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Jul 21, 2024 at 3:33 AM
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Richard A'Hern posted a message.
Jul 12, 2024 at 11:03 AM

Happy Welcome To Earth Day

May 09, 2024 at 8:23 PM

Hey Walt Hope things are well with you and that you have a heart birthday. Have had several phone conversations with Deane Nelson. He is doing well down in Vincennes, Indiana. However he lost his wife Molly last summer to cancer. He is living with hi s son now. Just FYI. Stay well, hope we can talk sometime. Jim

William J. Kelleher posted a message. New comment added.
Oct 09, 2023 at 10:46 PM

Posted on: Oct 09, 2023 at 5:57 PM

Hi Jim! Thanks for your work on this page! Its really nice to have. Bill

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Richard A'Hern posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 20, 2023 at 6:48 PM

Posted on: Sep 02, 2023 at 9:57 AM

Happy Welcome To Earth Day. Hope you survived Italian without too much damage.

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Richard A'Hern posted a message.
Jul 10, 2023 at 6:16 AM

Happy Welcome To Earth Day jim

Jun 22, 2023 at 4:10 PM

Congrats on impressive resume!

May 02, 2023 at 7:47 AM

Well ditto my last message of 2022, and early Happy Birthday. We’re still hangin’ in there! Just got back from a cooler winter in Az. And looking forward to a busy summer. Hoping you’re doing well and haven’t washed away with all the rain and snow fall. Have a great day. Jim

Apr 12, 2023 at 12:53 PM

I agree with those who say that this is a proper place to fill out the memory of Bill Mitchell -- his bright side, his dark side, and everything in between. He was certainly a person many of us have clear memories of. For me he was an athlete, socially active, and a brave, tough, warrior. (I don't doubt anything that has been said here about his darker side. Although I wasn't afraid to be around him, there were times when he let me know who was tougher.)

If the history of the Class of '64 were written, I'd rank him second only to Jim Barr as a fearsome street fighter. Gerald says Dave Jakesone was #1, but I don't remember him, and his name is not on the Classmate Profiles list. Barr is listed in the Class of '64, and I remember him as a classmate. Its not always easy to get history right, and smart people can disagree on the details. (As an aside, Barr was once in need of a lawyer. We had an art teacher at North Campus who was a lawyer, and he helped get Barr out of trouble pro bono. I can't remember that teacher's name.)



Apr 11, 2023 at 6:21 PM

Thanks, Gerald Williams. Now I remember that bit of campus lore. George Pankow was reputed to be way up there in the ranks. Too bad there aren’t any fight records that would definitively show who was the top street fighter in our school. I think that Frank and George were Class of ’63. So that would leave Jim as tops in the Class of ’64.  Elimination bouts between the three would have been an amazing contest. If only we could go back in time!

William J. Kelleher changed his profile picture.
Apr 11, 2023 at 6:08 PM
Apr 10, 2023 at 4:12 PM

I agree with Budy Breese that Bill Mitchell could be a fun guy. I joked around and laughed with him many times, both in South and North campus. But I disagree that this not the place to tell negative truths about Bill. What Mindy Armer has reported should go into the mix of our memory of Bill. Knowing Bill, I believe her.

Also, I'm glad that Bob Miller mentioned fighting in conncetion with Bill. I was present to at least three of his fights. Two in "the Hole" (anyone remember that place?) And one in a parking lot out on La Grange Road, somewhere past 55th. He won each handily. He had great courage. But he was selective. According to the stories I heard around LTHS, the toughest guy at school was Frank Smith, Class of '63. Next was Gentleman Jim Barr from our class. A story I heard was that Barr challenged Bill, but that Bill declined. Still, I would rank Bill as the second toughest guy in the Class of '64. That's a high status position out of something like 2000 students. Its also a part of our common history, and this is an excellent place to lay out the record, and to set it straight. 

Ranking who were the toughest guys at school may be a teenage guy thing, but we are talking about a guy we knew as teenagers.

Apr 10, 2023 at 4:12 PM

I agree with Buddy Breese that Bill Mitchell could be a fun guy. I joked around and laughed with him many times, both in South and North campus. But I disagree that this not the place to tell negative truths about Bill. What Mindy Armer has reported should go into the mix of our memory of Bill. Knowing Bill, I believe her.

Also, I'm glad that Bob Miller mentioned fighting in conncetion with Bill. I was present to at least three of his fights. Two in "the Hole" (anyone remember that place?) And one in a parking lot out on La Grange Road, somewhere past 55th. He won each handily. He had great courage. But he was selective. According to the stories I heard around LTHS, the toughest guy at school was Frank Smith, Class of '63. Next was Gentleman Jim Barr from our class. A story I heard was that Barr challenged Bill, but that Bill declined. Still, I would rank Bill as the second toughest guy in the Class of '64. That's a high status position out of something like 2000 students. Its also a part of our common history, and this is an excellent place to lay out the record, and to set it straight. 

Ranking who were the toughest guys at school may be a teenage guy thing, but we are talking about a guy we knew as teenagers.


Thanks, Gerald. Now I remember that bit of campus lore. George Pankow was reputed to be way up there in the ranks. Too bad there aren’t any fight records that would definitively show who was the top street fighter in our school. I think that Frank and George were Class of ’63. So that would leave Jim as tops in the Class of ’64.  Elimination bouts between the three would have been an amazing contest. If only we could go back in time!

Apr 07, 2023 at 1:24 PM

Sorry to hear he is gone. I knew Bill well. He had a cool old truck (looked like a bread delivery truck).
I was often made to face him in football practice. Ouch! 
Once, when we were having football practice on the South Campus field at LTHS, there was a walk racer walking around the track. Somebody dared Bill to race him. Bill could run while the other guy race walked. Of course, Bill took on the challenge. Still wearing his shoulder pads, he dropped his helmet, and the race was on. Bill kept up for the first few feet. But after that the distance just increased until there was no way for Bill to keep up. The whole team was roaring with laughter. Then football practice resumed. I wonder if any other team members remember that event.

Nov 10, 2022 at 12:34 PM

Another Birthday, Joe. We're getting up there! Still working myself, living the good life in Vermont.